Slide Background
Disperse dyes are a class of synthetic dyes that are used to color synthetic textiles like polyester
Slide Background
Disperse dyes are a class of synthetic dyes that are used to color synthetic textiles like polyester
Versatile Solutions
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We must work cohesively within and between the Business Units and Group Functions, customers and partners around the world.
Respect for Health, Safety and Environment Discipline and accountability
We must take ownership and responsibility for all our business dealings and maintain the highest standards of discipline in our work.
Dyes Stock Godown
Chemicals Stock Godown
Dyes Stock Godown
Chemicals Stock Godown
About us
Power Dye Chem was incorporated in the year of 1960-61 with the vision of achieving its goals of being one of the leaders in the industry. Our product range comprises of Disperse and Reactive dyes. We are pleased to say that we have been capable in fulfilling the demands of reputed clients who never look for less than best. Needless to say, we are in the process of creating saga of our achievements and success by offering wide range of products serving various industries taking minimum of distribution time. Presently we have made our presence not only in India but in Bangladesh Pakistan Turkey Sri Lanka as well.
About us
Power Dye Chem was incorporated in the year of 1960-61 with the vision of achieving its goals of being one of the leaders in the industry. Our product range comprises of Disperse, Pigment, Reactive and Acid dyes. We are pleased to say that we have been capable in fulfilling the demands of reputed clients who never look for less than best. Needless to say, we are in the process of creating saga of our achievements and success by offering wide range of products serving various industries taking minimum of distribution time. Presently we have made our presence not only in India but in Bangladesh Pakistan Turkey Sri Lanka as well.
satisfied clients
quality products